
Business, Marketing and Legal Consulting to diversified industries -Research, Manufacturing, Service, Export, Hospitality, Real Estate, etc..

Consulting & Advisory services

Consulting typically provides solution to a specific problem ; Advisory identifies problems and guides to know possible solutions and select the best one.

Business Ideas and Plan

Conventional business ideas are easy to start but tough to sustain, innovative ideas are tough to start but high chances to win with a perfect plan. Failing to plan is planning to fail


Data Mining & Sourcing

Data mining for business intelligence and analytics – A magical wand for MSME and Startups to succeed. Data is the king pin of business and source of light to reach a target


Branding and Strategy

A branded product accepted for a better price by the consumers than that of a non–branded, even if it is of better quality. Brand your business for intangible life time and revenue


International Marketing

Where there is a demand, there is a good price and margin. Prepare, identify and pitch at international market to grow – For Business beyond boundaries, sail with BizChanakya


Business Legal Advisory

Business and issues are inseparable – That is why business is said to be managed. Needs combination of skills or a specialized skill to manage a issue, BizChanakya has both


Intellectual Property Marketing

Commercialization of an invention or IP requires on par skills and efforts of inventing it. It is said to be “Intellectual property has the shelf life of a banana” – Act today


Digital Marketing Strategy

Align with today’s digital way of business, now or never. Traditional marketing Rests In Peace – take the Digital shift, Connect with Digital-BizChanakya to add wings to business


Startup Business Advisory

The secret of startup success – Innovative Startup Ideas, Perfect Business plan and Partnering with skills. If it is not affordable to have skills in house, partner with BizChanakya


Business Legal Advisory

Business and issues are inseparable – That is why business is said to be managed. Needs combination of skills or a specialized skill to manage a issue, BizChanakya has both


Intellectual Property Marketing

Commercialization of an invention or IP requires on par skills and efforts of inventing it. It is said to be “Intellectual property has the shelf life of a banana” – Act today

Get the power of knowledge with BizChanakya

BizChanakya has been giving extraordinary advisory to MSME & startups

Benefits of partnering BizChanakya

From business and marketing to legal consulting under one roof

International Skills

International skills and expertise to Indian small businesses and startups


Wings to sales with the support of new generation digital marketing

Affordable Cost

World class consulting in business, marketing and legal at Indian price

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Unravel business mysteries and begin your organization’s transformation

Get in touch with a wizard.